Van / Minibus
Make & Model
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Emission class
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/static/img/legacy/icons/doors.svg Number of doors
/static/img/legacy/icons/places.svg Number of places
Auction Type
Country of origin
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Used cars for sale in Our Stock

Auction Type: Our Stock

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€1 000

Buy Used Cars From Our Stock in Belgium for Export!

On eCarsTrade, we give you the option to buy a used car from Our Stock, where we offer a wide range of second-hand European autos for sale. These used cars are selected and purchased directly by eCarsTrade — after inspection by independent quality experts.

Most of the listed second-hand vehicles are kept in our warehouse and are available for pick-up at any time from our parking in Belgium, allowing you to take ownership immediately. Feel free to buy a used car from Our Stock using multiple options:

  • Buy a used car at a fixed price

  • Make your own offer — if this option is available. You have 2 offers per each car!

Find the Best Used Cars for Sale in Belgium

Choose your desired auto from 1,500 reliable used cars from all over Europe, previously owned by leasing companies, rental companies, other dealerships and banks. Find damaged used cars for sale with detailed descriptions and photos of each defect. All our vehicles come with a detailed service history and reports from experts, so you can see the real condition before you buy a used car online. Your automotive business will benefit from eCarsTrade's full transparency and clear pricing!

How to Buy Used Autos from Our Stock

Sign up or log into our website — no membership fees!
Use our search and refinement tools to find the second-hand auto you wish to buy. If the used vehicle you are looking for isn’t listed, save the model and features through Smart Finder. You’ll be notified when the car becomes available.

After purchasing a used car, track its status on your Personal page. We also offer extra services such as the eCarsTrade Delivery Service and obtaining the EX-A Customs Declaration for export.

Want to explore ex-lease vehicles from other EU countries?
