Unit #5662170
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Auction Description

Pay attention! Image / Photos wins from text in claims.

Vehicles originating from Germany
Delivery may take +/-3-5 weeks. 
(2) Auction results can take up to 6 working days.
(3) Most vehicles have a service history, but note that if it's not online, it may not be available for that car.

Car Profile

Make & Model Volkswagen Touran
Gearbox type Automatic
Category Saloon
Engine sizeEngine size 1390 CC
Power 150 Hp 110 kW
Number of placesNumber of places n/a
Unit N° or VIN5662170
Country of originGermany
First registration date 03/02/2015
DoorsDoors 5
Fuel Natural Gas
Emission class Euro5
CO₂ 130 CO2
Color White

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Additional Info

Document country originGermany

Car Profile

Make & Model Volkswagen Touran
Gearbox type Automatic
Category Saloon
Engine sizeEngine size 1390 CC
Power 150 Hp 110 kW
Number of placesNumber of places n/a
Unit N° or VIN5662170
Country of originGermany
First registration date 03/02/2015
DoorsDoors 5
Fuel Natural Gas
Emission class Euro5
CO₂ 130 CO2
Color White
Technical issues
motor: noise(Motor und Getriebe , Motor, Geräusche);
Important remarks
COC-Papers is not available; service - due(Service, Fällig);rim - (Felgen & Reifen, Winter, 2 Reifen unter 3 mm);door - (Tür, Vorne links, Beulen unter 3 cm);door - scratch(Tür, Hinten links, Kratzer 3-10 cm);bumper - ripped(Stoßfänger, Hinten, Große Risse über 10 cm); - (Kofferraumdeckel, Kofferraumdeckel, Beulen unter 3 cm);fender - (Kotflügel, Rechts hinten, Beulen 3-10 cm);door - (Tür, Rechts hinten, Beulen über 10 cm);sill - (Schweller, Rechts, Beulen über 10 cm);bumper - scratch(Stoßfänger, Vorne, Kratzer);hood - (Motorhaube, Beulen über 10 cm);windscreen - stone_chip(Glas, Windschutzscheibe, Steinschläge);
