AUDI A4 DIESEL - 2020 30 TDi Business Edition S tronic Business

Unit #5615236

Auction Info

Bid feedback
Auction Description

Pay attention! Image / Photos wins from text in claims.

  • Estimation Price - winning chance +-20-30%

95% of the vehicles are sold with digital service history, printed and given with the car documents.

Car Profile

Make & Model Audi A4
Gearbox type Automatic
Category n/a
Engine sizeEngine size 1968 CC
Power 136 Hp 100 kW
Number of placesNumber of places 5
Unit N° or VIN5615236
Country of originBelgium - "ASSE II"
First registration date 19/11/2019
DoorsDoors 4
Fuel Diesel
Emission class Euro6
CO₂ 102 CO2
Color Blue

Discover our key benefits

Wide selection of cars from leasing companies, short-term rentals and dealerships

Low commission and transparent fees

Multilingual customer support

Verified quality of vehicles

More than 25,000 cars sold

Delivery assistance within the EU

Additional info

DocumentsRegistration, COC
Document country originBELGIUM (*if not mentioned otherwise: pictures/description)

Car Profile

Make & Model Audi A4
Gearbox type Automatic
Category n/a
Engine sizeEngine size 1968 CC
Power 136 Hp 100 kW
Number of placesNumber of places 5
Unit N° or VIN5615236
Country of originBelgium - "ASSE II"
First registration date 19/11/2019
DoorsDoors 4
Fuel Diesel
Emission class Euro6
CO₂ 102 CO2
Color Blue

Equipment - Options

High-value options

Navigation system


Cruise control

Safety and security

Airbags: Front, side and more


CD player
Navigation system
On-board computer

Other options

Centrale armsteun
Elektrisch verstelbare buitenspiegels
Ruiten getint
Velgen alu
Verstelbare lendesteun
3 jaar garantie maximum 120.000 km
Achterbankleuning neerklapbaar in 3 delen (40:20:4
Acoustic parking system (aps) achteraan
Acoustic parking system (aps) achteraan en vooraan
Audi drive select (
Bandenspanningscontrolesysteem (optische signaal)
Bestuurdersinformatiesysteem met kleurendisplay
Binnenbekleding in stof index
Binnenspiegel met dag/nachtstand
Brandstoftank (54 liter)
Buitenspiegels in koetswerkkleur
Buitenspiegels met ontdooiing
Business pakket (verplicht)
Centrale armsteun vooraan
Centrale deurvergrendeling met afstandsbediening
Dakhemel in stof
Derde stoplicht
Deurdrempellijsten met aluminium inleg en verlicht
Drempelbeschermlijsten met aluminium inleg
Elektrische buitenspiegels
Elektromechan.snelheidsafhankelijke stuurbekracht.
Elektronische klimaatregeling monozone
Elektronische stabiliteits controle
Groen getinte athermane ruiten
Jav 5 sterspaak 7jx16+205/60
Kindersloten achterportieren
Kofferklep auto.openend met sleutel/binnenuit knop
Led achterlichten
Luidsprekers (8)
Pack business (conventie a/b/c/d/e/f/h/p)(verpl.)
Pneumatisch verstelbare lendensteunregeling+massag
Start /stop functie
Tyre mobility system
Unicolor lak
Vensteromtrek in zwart
Verbandmateriaal met gevarendriehoek
Versie niet-roker
Voetmatten voor/achter
Waarschuwingssignaal voor niet-vastgeklikte gordel
Central locking
Particulate filter
