Audi V6 3.0 TDI 218 Quat S tronic Design Luxe A4 Berline design luxe quattro 3.0 TDI 220CV BVA7 E6

Unit #5710190

Auction Info

Bid feedback
Auction Description

Arval France:

  • Minimum bid - winning chance +-2-5%
  • Estimation Price - winning chance +-30-50%
Vehicles originating from France
Delivery may take +/-2 weeks. 
(2) Most vehicles dont have a Certificate of Conformity (COC). 
(3) Vehicle documents may be sent by post after delivery of the vehicle.
(4) Most vehicles have a service history, but note that if it's not online, it may not be available for that car.

Car Profile

Make & Model Audi A4
Gearbox type Automatic
Category Saloon
Engine sizeEngine size 2967 CC
Power 218 Hp 160 kW
Number of placesNumber of places 5
Unit N° or VIN5710190
Country of originFrance - "FLEURY TEA"
First registration date 15/06/2018
DoorsDoors 4
Fuel Diesel
Emission class Euro6
CO₂ 123 CO2
Color n/a

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Additional Info

DocumentsRegistration (NO COC)
Document country originFRANCE
COC is missing

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Car Profile

Make & Model Audi A4
Gearbox type Automatic
Category Saloon
Engine sizeEngine size 2967 CC
Power 218 Hp 160 kW
Number of placesNumber of places 5
Unit N° or VIN5710190
Country of originFrance - "FLEURY TEA"
First registration date 15/06/2018
DoorsDoors 4
Fuel Diesel
Emission class Euro6
CO₂ 123 CO2
Color n/a

Equipment - Options

High-value options

Sport seats


Air conditioning: Automatic
Cruise control
Heated seats
Rain sensor
Start-stop system

Safety and security



CD player


Sport seats


Alloy wheels

Other options

Combiné d`instruments digital(e) (virtual cockpit)
Feux ar. led avec feu clignotant dynamique
Verre insonorisant vitres de portes av
Sièges av élect. réglable(s) (gauche avec memory)
Ouverture de hayon automatique
Audi connect (système d`appel d`urgence et d`assis
Projecteurs à led
Clé confort
Caméra de recul
Témoin contrôle pneumatiques
Système d`information du conducteur (fis) avec écr
Rétroviseur ext à réglages électriques, dégivrant
Système d`assistance de conduite: feux de route au
Vitrage athermique teinté vert
Electro. contrôle de stabilité (esc)
Audi drive select
Système d`assistance de conduite: fonction freinag
Mode de transmission traction intégrale permanente
Four-wheel drive
Particulate filter

Services history

date mileage company description price
05/12/2018 10003 km Additif FAP € 0,00
